Saturday, April 14, 2007

Mid-Southern Watercolorists Gold Award

This year the 37th Annual Mid-Southern Watercolorists Juried Exhibition included 38 paintings selected from 172 entries submitted by members from 9 states, and I felt fortunate to have my painting Biker juried into the exhibit. The exhibit is ongoing until May 19 at the Cox Creative Center, 2nd floor, 120 Commerce Street, Little Rock, AR 72201. It is a terrific venue... one can stand in the center of the exhibit area and see almost all of the paintings without having to walk from room to room.

Last night awards were announced, and I was extremely pleased to receive the Gold Award, the top award, for my painting. It was a real honor to be highly placed among so many excellent watercolor artists, and an experience that I won't forget for a long time.

Biker was also selected by the Arkansas Art Center as part of an 18-painting traveling exhibit that will be shown in vairous venues around Arkansas during the rest of 2007.


  1. WAY to go Jim, Congratulations!!Keep'em comin'.

  2. I'm so pleased to hear you won the Gold Award. Wish I could have been there to see you accept!
    Barb (aka "rents.")

  3. Congratulations! Those workshops are really paying off!! Great work, MH

  4. Great painting, Jim. Congratulations on the award!

  5. Proud of you Jim. Now I will just have to work harder than ever to catch up and beat you!

    Guess who! MG

  6. Congrats on winning the top prize! It really is a great piece. Good to see you have started a blog. Isn't it fun? Wish I could have as good of news to put on my blog.
