Saturday, October 11, 2008

New Paintings in October

For the last few months, I've been trying to "teach myself" to paint city scenes.  I've made a little progress, but I've also been getting frustrated.  So I decided to take some "time off" and paint a few paintings of my more usual subjects - waterscapes and landscapes - in my traditional style.  I worked at Artists Workshop Gallery two days this past week, and each day I painted (almost completely finished) a half-sheet painting (cut down a bit to better fit landscapes).  They're shown here... one is from a photo I took from our cruise ship, departing Domenica in the Caribbean; the challenge was to paint convincing clouds.  The other is a farm scene that I came upon near Paron, Arkansas.  I like them both.  It was therapeutic to regress for awhile.  In November, I'll be taking a workshop from Alvaro Castagnet, and I'm hoping that will help me understand better how to paint cityscapes.

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